Friday, December 17, 2010

T-Shirt of the Day - Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular

The Christmas Spectacular has been a Radio City Tradition since 1933, featuring the Rockettes in full Santa garb (among many other acts). While I like to limit myself to a good viewing of "The Christmas Story" and "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" each year (and maybe "It's A Wonderful Life") those of us outside of New York City can always display some brazen hard core holiday spirit by venturing to this show that boasts one million plus attendees per year (though not in a single showing, of course).

This t-shirt is an early nineties special, with a "Oneita" tag.

Click here for a full rundown on the Christmas Spectacular.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tribute To John Lennon

Though nothing to celebrate, this evening marks the 30th anniversary of John Lennon's untimely passing. When you add this to the loss of John Bonham one might say that (in terms of rock & roll) 1980 was the worst year ever. Not to mention the fact that an entire generation still has beef with "Catcher in the Rye" for reasons beyond required high school reading.

The recent addition of the Beatles' catalog to iTunes may have angered a few, but I for one believe that if a whole new generation is introduced to the "marijuana" of classic rock maybe they will go all the way -- and crazy uncle Ted's record collection will see the light of day for another 20 years. One can only hope - and listen.

The shirt above is from our current selection. Copyrighted "1980" it was probably manufactured sometime earlier in the year. Great old school graphic design and style on a crisp red shirt.